Hi, I’m Fiona. What’s your name?
I’m the author of Just Me and a Boarding Pass, and I live in Australia. Whenever I leave town, it will be from Sydney Airport, so I like to go there as often as I can! My interests are playing the piano, relaxing in the garden, travelling to different places in the world, and taking photos. (I take lots of photos). When I come home, I like to scrapbook all the photos of my adventures. It’s a lot of fun.
Why Just Me and a Boarding Pass?
I did some travelling with my parents when I was younger, and then I had my own family. After that, I started travelling again with my parents. My husband didn’t want to go on long journeys in a plane, so he stayed home with the kids / pets / plants / etc, and I went on trips with my parents and siblings. (No, don’t feel sorry for the husband – every winter he takes his holidays at the snow, where he loves to be, and I stay home with the kids / pets / plants / etc. So it all works out nicely.) I enjoy travelling and when you have a boarding pass in your hand, you always know something fun is going to happen next. Boarding passes can take you on any mode of transportation you enjoy, and whisk you away to a strange land. That’s why I chose that name for my blog.
The UNESCO world heritage list
When I first started travelling again as an adult, my Mum would ask me “what do you want to see on this trip?” Since I didn’t have much experience, I went to my friend google and searched on the places we were thinking about. I found the UNESCO world heritage list, and I was captivated by it. I thought, “these places are so amazing, I really want to see them”. So it became my “thing”. Every holiday, I would put forward my list of UNESCO sites, and we would work them into the itinerary for the group, if possible. Some people have bucket lists….. I have my UNESCO list!
Of course, there are many unique and beautiful places in the world that are not on that list, and I still would like to see them too!
I have taken all the photos that you will see on my blog. (Unless I am actually in the photo, which is rare, in which case it will have been taken by one of my travelling companions.) I like to present the photos to you with as little editing as possible so that you know what the place really looks like.
Meet up with me on social media!
Because I love taking photos of all the wonderful things I discover in my travels, I have a few different outlets for them, depending on their nature. My Instagram gallery is where I showcase my favourite scenic travel pictures, whereas you’ll find more of my quirky every-day pictures on my Facebook page.
I have a few Pinterest boards going including “Where To Next” which I share with fellow bloggers and we focus on travel-related blog posts to aim to provide people with some travel inspiration. I also have a board just for this blog “Just Me and a Boarding Pass”, which is a mix of blog posts and Instagram photos. Why not come over and join the community and see what travel inspiration you can take away with you?
Twitter is a great place to connect and I enjoy participating in the travel chats whenever possible. For the actual travel stories, information and reviews, I use this blog.
If you are across all these sites, you will find some duplication of content, but there will be different things as well. If you would like to follow me on multiple social media, you are most welcome to do so, and will find me at the following:
- Instagram,
- 30Seconds.com
- or search #justmeandaboardingpass
Thanks for visiting, and I hope you enjoy Just Me and a Boarding Pass!

#justmeandaboardingpass #travel